Friday, July 22, 2011

Eme and Kian pics

Kian has overlooked his thumbs...he sucks his fist.
I'm worried he'll discover the thumb in the future.

Kian looks like a little baker.
Note the lady with the broom. There were about five of these ladies sweeping
the large foyer and open center of the City Hall. All of them were gathered
around Kian, one even asked to hold him. He gets an inordinate amount of attention here.
We should have named him Jesus.
Macho Man...he nearly takes up the bed. The hands overhead
is is favorite position to sleep. He is getting strong. Seems he
will have a muscular physique. He has large shoulders.
He has a narrow waist, but Eme wondered if his large upper thigh is normal.
I thought it was baby fat, but both sides seem too firm to be fat.
He wants to stand (like today while trying to give him a bath)
but we are careful not to let him do it.
Later Kian and I watched a YouTube clip of SNL's Hanz and Franz with Arnold...
.."we are"

Eme and Kian at her grandmother's house in Talasay.

Kian is BIG...but Eme is SMALL.

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