Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Went for a a massage!

When planning a trip to the Philippines do not cut your hair before you go! Wait until you get here so after a long body-stiffening flight across the Pacific (assuming your flying from North America) you can indulge yourself in a fantastic haircut that ends with a head and upper body massage that feels as if you have a trainer who is getting you ready to get in the ring with Manny Paquio (My hair cutter had his own name on a placard at his station...but the picture was of Manny in a three-piece suit, looking very stylish (and all of the barbers in the shop got a laugh when I didn't fall for it...."Hey, that's your barber right there.."  I said "Looks like Manny to me"...they were so surprised I knew who it was and the whole place erupted in laughter).

So almost 3 weeks into my trip I get the best haircut I've had in years (well, I've cut my own hair for years...but this guy is really good). When he finishes the combination scissor and clipper cut he uses the old-school razor on my temples, around my ears, and on my neck. He brushes me off with a slightly powdered brush (new experience for me). He unwraps the apron and neck cloth and I think it's time to pay...nope.  He starts massaging my temples and scalp and then leans me forward and gives a vigorous upper body rub. When it was all over (maybe 25 minutes total, and I'm going bald!) I ask "Pila?" (how much?).  He shrugs and says 40.  I kind of stood in a daze for a second or two.  Why? Because right now the exchange rate is about 43 pesos per dollar!!! All that for less than a buck!!!

I gave him 50 and he smiled. I told him I'll be back even if I don't need a haircut.  Then I went home and ate a was a good day :-)

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